Caban Magazines available online

Caban Feb 1951

The Caban magazine is arguably one of the best resources for gaining an insight into the social aspect of the slate quarrymen of Ffestiniog towards the end of the main workings.

Jon Knowles and John Ashby managed to acquire and scan a collection of these incredible magazines dating from May 1949 through to March 1964, and has kindly agreed to make them available to download. These copies have been watermarked, however the original scans are available from Jon direct for a small fee.

If you would like contact Jon, to either request a copy or should you have some more magazines you’d be willing to have scanned then you can use the form below to get in touch with him.

Caban is the name of the type of mess-room in which the men of Oakley and Votty slate mines met for their breaks, and was the name given to a magazine which documented the workings and social lives of these Ffestiniog quarry men.

Click here to contact Jon
Email Jon for copies or more info

Email Jon for copies or more info

