Training Resources

Here’s a number of links that candidates putting themselves forward towards the Local Mine Leader Award level 1 training may find useful.

More resources are available by clicking the link for Level 1 or Level 2 courses above, however these pages are password protected and only available to those who have attended one of my training courses, or are interested in attending a course in the near future. If you’ve forgotten the password or are keen on attending a course complete the form at the bottom of the page and I’ll get in touch.

Click here to buy Level 2 Rigging Guides
Buy Rigging Guide

Fill in the form below to order your Rigging Guide. The booklet will be popped in the post to you as soon as possible following receipt of your payment




Video illustrating the buoyancy (or lack of it!) in different cave or mine exploration kit

Get Access

Access the password protected sections of the site

If you fill in this form I'll email you the password to access the password protected resources. In return I may contact you periodically with regards to future training courses or events.

As is the case with all these sort of documents: The author assumes no responsibility for the application of the techniques or principles outlined within this document. Use of these techniques are at the user’s risk, and form only part of the training necessary to perform and manage the techniques outlined.

Feel free to get in touch if you require any instruction on the techniques illustrated on the next few pages.

I'll need this to email you the password