Mine Leader Group Day Assessment

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Radon Underground: Radiation Protection Adviser role for managers

Note part of this course includes access to a excel spreadsheet created for use with the detailed exposure scheme. Your spreadsheet will include your Centre/Providers name as written here (or if left blank your name). Please do not share these spreadsheets with third parties.

Course Cost: £80

Online, normally 1pm-5pm

The following training course is aimed at those who may be required to work as a Radiation Protection Supervisor for an Outdoor Education
Centre or business running cave or mine exploration activities.

The course will cover the two exposure schemes outline within the BCAs Radon Underground guidance, including guidance on selecting an appropriate scheme based on the venues used. In addition, course members will be provided a
working template spreadsheet (in excel) which can be used to work within the Detailed Exposure Scheme mapped out within Radon Underground.

Included within the cost of the course is 12 months support in the use of the schemes.

There will be opportunities to ask questions relating to the BCAs guidance document Radon Underground during the session, however the
expectation is that participants have a good working knowledge of the BCAs guidance. Course participants must have successfully completed the BCAs Radon Underground
training module (https://classroom.google.com/c/MTc2MzIxMDI1ODYz?cjc=7odn7no)

The training course will take place on-line using Google Meets, for this participants will need to have registered an email address with Google. Participants will need to attend the course with a laptop or desktop computer, reliable internet connection, a functioning webcam and have access to Microsoft Excel.

Course run time approx. 4hrs on-line with supplementary support on request (max 4hrs over 12 months)

Prior to attending this course you must be registered with the BCAs Qualification Management System. You can do this by clicking here: https://britishcaving.azolve.com/
Click for invoicing details
If you're choosing to be invoiced I'll need confirmation from the person/Centre/School paying the bill before your place can be confirmed. Once you hit submit an email will be automatically sent to whoever email address you've entered below.
Enter a contact name, Centre or School name so I can get in touch with them and confirm your invoice
If you work for an Outdoor Education Centre, School, or employer who will be paying for your course, please provide an email address for whoever is paying the bill. If you're paying yourself please leave this blank.
You only need to fill the following 4 sections if you are booking an assessment

To pass your group day assessment I’d expect to see a well structured, educational, interesting, challenging and safe trip pitched at an appropriate level for your group, and taking into account any access agreements or conservation considerations for your venue. You’ll be expected to provide your own group for the day, and be assessed in the most challenging mine/cave on your proposed list.

Before your assessment

Before committing to an assessment you’ll need to be sure you meet the pre-requisites. These can be checked by downloading the pathway for the module by clicking here. If you completed your assessment before the 7th of September 2020 I’ll need a copy of your S4B page from your previous (core skills day) assessment. If you completed your Core Skills assessment after the 7th of September 2020 there’s no need as your details will be stored in the Qualifications Management System.

If you can please send me a copy of your log book experience form the last few years, if not then a summary will be find however I’ll need to see your physical log book on the assessment day to confirm.

Make sure you’re thoroughly familiar with the mines you’d like to lead groups in, and have recent logged experience of exploring mines a little more challenging than those on your list.

Annotate a plan of each of the mines you’d like on your list highlighting any

  • areas of potential interest to your groups (both geological and historical),
  • potential hazards, including an explanation of how you would manage them with your group (and make sure you illustrate this during your assessment!), and also any
  • access arrangements or other considerations for your mines

Click here for an example of what Im after

Make sure you get these plans back to me within 7 days of your assessment. 

If you’d prefer we can arrange to talk about your list prior to your assessment, however I’ll still need an annotated plan (with the points of interest numbered) before having a discussion.

During your assessment

I’ll need to see your log book before the assessment so please have it with you (unless you’ve emailed me a copy before hand).

Make sure you’ve packed the appropriate kit for yourself and your group, you’ll need to justify your kit choice so don’t just rely on using “the same kit as every other instructor” if you’re working at a Centre.

Plan your trip but be prepared to adapt it to your group. You’ll be asked to demonstrate good both spotting and rope work (so don’t forget an appropriate rope!) during the trip so plan that into your day.

Use your second/visiting staff effectively.

My focus is likely to be less on you, and more on the group. Do they look engaged & safe?

Try to relax!