Additional Sites

If you’d like to add additional sites to your qualification you can go through the process here.

In most cases additional sites can be added through a paperwork exercise. Note I can only add North Wales venues to your qualification, if you want sites from other regions added you’ll need to find a Trainer/Assessor based in that region, you can do that by checking the BCA website by clicking here.

You can make a submission using the form below (note this will take you to a Pay Pal page once complete). You’ll need to prepare some evidence before submitting this to me which is best saved as a PDF and attached with this form. Here’s what you’ll need to submit:

  • Annotated plan for each of the mines/caves you’d like on your list highlighting any
    • areas of potential interest to your groups (both geological and historical),
    • potential hazards, including an explanation of how you would manage them with your group, and also any
    • access arrangements or other considerations for your sites
    • pitch lengths (for vertical trips) or the ropes/kit you’ll pack for the trip (if applicable)
  • A copy of your current certificate
    • Note you can download this from the Qualification Management System by looking under your profile for “Qualification” then click on your Cave/Mine or Vertical Leader qualification click then the “download” button to get a copy of your certificate
  • If you’d like Cwmorthin on your qualification you’ll need to provide evidence that part of your assessment process took place in Cwmorthin, otherwise you’ll be required to undertake a practical assessment in the mine to add it to your list

Click here for an example of what I’m after with the mine plans

Note in some cases following a paperwork review it may be that you’re asked to present for a practical assessment to have some sites added. I’ll let you know if this is the case as soon as possible.

I'll need your ME number available from the Qualification Management System to process this. You can find the QMC by Clicking here

Invoicing Details

If you're choosing to be invoiced I'll need confirmation from the person/Centre/School paying the bill before your place can be confirmed. Once you hit submit an email will be automatically sent to whoever email address you've entered below.

Once I've had confirmation from your employer that they're happy to pay the invoice I'll process your application. I know some pay quicker than others!!)

Enter a contact name, Centre or School name so I can get in touch with them and confirm your invoice

Are you looking to add Mines, Caves, or both?
Which Mine/Mines would you like added to your list (note you'll need to provide risk assessments for each of these)


As you've requested to add Cwmorthin to your qualification I'm going to need some additional information from you. As a panel we've agreed that a physical assessment must take place within Cwmorthin before we'll add it to a candidates list. This due to the complexity of the mine, access arrangements and hazards.

If you were assessed in Cwmorthin for either your Mine Core Skills assessment or Group day assessment for either your Vertical Leader or Mine Leader there may be no need to run a physical assessment in the mine. You will need to provide evidence to support this by uploading it here (e.g. an assessment report/S4B)

If you're unable to evidence this you will need a physical assessment in the mine to add it to your list. Please provide a few dates you're available to set up the assessment.

If you've not been assessed in Cwmorthin during your Mine Leader Core Skills or Group Day assessment then you're likely to need to be assessed in the mine to have it added to your list. Please pick a couple of dates that work for you to run the assessment. It's worth having a look at my availability calendar to pick a date we're both free.