Cave to Mines Transfer Training, 7th Dec 2015 (£90)![Cave](
During the North Wales Panel courses this December there will be the opportunity to attend a Cave to Mine transfer training course on the 7th of December.
This one day course is required by those who’ve already completed their Cave Leader Award and would like to work towards leading groups in mines. The one day course will cover the unique interests and hazards of mines, as outlined in the BCA handbook…
Candidates may seek to obtain core skills for both caves and mines as part of their assessment for Module 1. However, award holders who wish to extend the scope of sites into which they may lead parties can take Module 6, which covers the extension of the award to cave (including potholes) or mine type sites. The requirements of this module are based on either the Core Skills Cave or Core Skills Mine component of Module 1 together with the local knowledge component of either Module 2 or 4 depending upon the type of site.
In addition for those who’ve completed their Level 2 Cave Leader Award there will also be the opportunity to look at the rigging and management of a tyrolean traverse, as this is included in the Level 2 Mines syllabus for North Wales.
Module 1 Assessment
I’ve a candidate keen to complete his Module 1 Assessment towards the end of December. If anyone else is keen (provided I didn’t train you!) feel free to get in touch, as this would cut the cost of your assessment down from £160 to £90.